Adding LTPA tokens

You can add a Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) token to a SOAP message if you want LPTA token authentication.

Before you begin

Note: An LTPA provider and LTPA identity must be defined in the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective before you can create a token for a SOAP message. For instructions about creating an LTPA provider, see Adding an LTPA provider to the Physical view.

About this task

LTPA is an authentication technology used in IBM® WebSphere® and Lotus® Domino® products.

When you add an LTPA token to a SOAP message in a Rational® Integration Tester project, Rational® Integration Tester is authenticated automatically when accessing a web service that needs an LTPA authentication token. An LTPA token prevents LTPA authentication errors while testing the message.


  1. Create an LTPA identity.
    1. In the Physical view of the Architecture School perspective, click General > Identity.
    2. In the New Identity dialog, complete the following fields:
      Table 1. New Identity fields
      Field Description
      Name A name for the identity.
      Type Select LTPA from the menu.
      Username The username for the web service.
      Password The password for Username.
      LTPA Provider An LTPA provider from the Physical view.
      New Identity dialog
    3. Click OK to create the Identity.
  2. Open a SOAP message for editing.
  3. On the Config page, right-click the node and click Properties.
  4. In the Field Properties dialog, click the WS-Security tab.
  5. On the WS-Security page, ensure that the Enable field is selected.
  6. Select LTPA Token from the drop-down list.
  7. In the Transformation Name field, enter a display name for the token.
  8. In the LTPA Identity list, select the name of the identity you created in step 1.
    Note: The identity you select must be based on the relevant LTPA provider.
  9. Click OK.


The specified LTPA token is added to the configuration of the SOAP message.

The Field Properties dialog