Publishing stubs to CentraSite

If Rational® Integration Tester creates one or more stubs that are used in the validation of all or part of a registered CentraSite service, those stubs can be published as simulations that appear under the GH Tester tab for the specified CentraSite service. Other Rational® Integration Tester users can then download the stubs for use in their own project.

About this task

A stub that is the child of a service component that is generated from a CentraSite WSDL can be published to CentraSite:


  1. Right-click it in the Test Factory and select Export to registry from the menu. Export to registry option in the Test Factory

    When you are publishing the stub, you are asked whether you want to publish it to the service component that contains it.

    Publish Stub message
  2. If you choose Yes, the stub is published to the containing service component on the CentraSite server. If you choose No, the registry browser is displayed. You can then locate and select a different asset to which the stub is published.
  3. When published, all of the required Rational® Integration Tester components and test artifacts that are required to execute the stub are packaged into a .zip archive. Once the stub is successfully published, a confirmation dialog is displayed to the user.

    In CentraSite, published stubs can be seen under the GH Tester tab when you are viewing a service from the Asset catalog.

    Asset Catalog