Server-based stubs

You can find information about the ways in which the stubs are managed in IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel V9.2.1 or later.

Earlier to 9.2.1, a stub that was authored and published to the server was shown in the hierarchical view of components and operations and was a one-to-one presentation of the stub definition that came from IBM® Rational® Integration Tester. Also, all configuration settings were to be specified as part of the request to start a stub.

In Rational® Test Control Panel V9.2.1 or later, the way in which stubs are worked with has changed. Stubs are now a representation of both their definition and the configuration settings. You must use both when the stub is started and managed by Rational® Test Control Panel. You can now pre-configure the settings that you want to use before you control the execution of the stub.

When you publish a stub definition from Rational® Integration Tester, a server-based stub with a default configuration is created in Rational® Test Control Panel. Pre-existing stub definitions that are present in the server earlier to V9.2.1 are also migrated as new server-based stubs with default configurations. Interactions with pre-existing stub definitions are adapted to the new model in V9.2.1 and are displayed as externally-created instances of running stubs in the Environments Dashboard, where they will remain in this state until they are stopped in Rational® Test Control Panel. For example, you can by using the Rational® Integration Tester command-line client, start a pre-existing stub definition along with its configuration settings, resulting in the creation and starting of an instance of the stub in Rational® Test Control Panel (displayed as an externally-created running stub instance in the Environments Dashboard).

You can view the following types of stubs in the Environments Dashboard:
  • Stub definitions that are published and become server-based stubs. The running stub is displayed with this icon: image of the icon.
  • Stubs that are created because of being started externally to Rational® Test Control Panel and are displayed with this icon: image of the icon.