Set Worst Stack Size Options

Enable Worst Stack Size

  • In Rational® Test RealTime Studio, open the settings of the project and click Configuration Properties > Build > Build options.
  • Then, in the right panel, click on the value field of the Build options line and click the button to open the Build options editor.
  • Then, a dialog window shows you on the right the different tools that you can select during the build. Select Application profiling to enable the Worst Stack Size feature.

Multi-thread option

The Multi-thread option for the Worst Stack Size feature can be configured in the following menu of the settings:
  • Click Configuration Properties > Runtime analysis > Multi-Threads.
  • In the right pane, click the ... in the value field of the Entry points option to open the Entry points editor.
  • In the Entry points editor, enter the list of entry points for each thread and click OK.

Stack Size options

Options for the Worst Stack Size feature can be updated in the following menu of the settings: Configuration Properties > Runtime analysis > Application Profiling > Stack size.

In the setting page, you can change the following options:
  • Trace file name (.tzf): set the name of the trace file dedicated to worst stack size. By default this name is the base name of the test with the extension .tzf.
  • Report Template: change the template of the report generator. By default this template is wssreport.template.
  • Generate raw data in JSON : Select Yes if you want to generate the control coupling raw data in a JSON file, Yes, in compressed mode if you want to compress this file, No if you do not need this JSON file. The name of this file is the same as the name of the HTML report file where .html is replaced by .json.
  • External functions stack size: this is a file that contains the stack size of the external functions (generally functions that are in libraries and used by your application). The format of this file should be in Json, with the extension .tzfe, as follows:
    	     {"name":"printf", "stacksize":4},
    	     {"name":"sin", "stacksize":4},
    	     {"name":"cos", "stacksize":4},
    	     {"name":"tan", "stacksize":4}
  • Maximum Size: Enter the maximum stack size in bytes that the application should not exceed.
  • Security: Enter a percentage of available Stack Size for security.

    If you provide the maximum Stack Size allowed and a percentage of available Stack Size for security, the report displays the total Stack Size and verify if this size does not go over the available Stack Size.