Viewing graphical results

Rational® Test RealTime can produce graphs that display the execution results of Component Testing and System Testing tests that involve loops and FOR loops. Graphs can be displayed and manipulated in the Graphic Viewer.

To enable graph output:

  1. In theProject Explorer, click theSettings button.
  2. Select a node in theProject Explorerpane.
  3. In theConfiguration Settingslist, expandBuildandBuild Options.
  4. Click '...' to editEnvironment Variablesand set the variableATURTXtoACTIV.
  5. ClickOKto validate the changes.

To open the Graphic Viewer:

  1. Execute your test with the Build command.
  2. Right-click the application or test node.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select View Report, and then click Graphic.

Note Reports cannot be viewed before the application or test has been executed.

To change the view displayed in the Graphic Viewer:

  1. With the Graphic Viewer open, open the Graphics menu (or Command menu in Eclipse).
    1. Display Curves, Display XY Curves, or Display XYZ Curves enable you to change the axis of view of the graph. In 3D mode (XYZ curves) you can change the angle of view by clicking and moving the mouse.
    2. Configure enables you to change the scale and display options for each axis.
    3. Reload enables you to reload the .rtx graph file.
    4. Generate HTML produces an html file with a .png image output of the current view.

Related Topics

Graphic viewer preferences | Build settings