Running a test suite

Test suites enable you to run multiple test harnesses or test scripts in a single step. You can update the list of test harnesses and test scripts to be run, and the build configuration from the Test Editor before running a test suite.

About this task

In the test suite, each test harness is associated with a test configuration (a TDP with associated configuration settings) and can be run a second time with another test configuration to provide comparison results. This can be useful for validation purposes.


To run a test suite:
  1. In the project explorer, open the Test Suite folder and double-click the test suite to open the Test Suite editor.
  2. In the Test harness section of the test editor window, to update the test harness list, you can:
    1. Select or deselect test harnesses and test scripts (examples: .ptu, .otd,.py, .pl, .bat) that are available in your project
    2. Add to the test suite other resources that are not displayed in the list by using one of the following procedures:
      • You can drag the test script files from the Project Explorer and drop them in the test harness list in the Test harness section of the test suite editor.
      • Click the Add test harness icon to select resources compatible with your project: supported scripts and test harnesses.
    3. Click the Delete icon to remove a test harness or a test script file from the test suite.
    4. Click the 'Up arrow' and 'Down arrow' icons to modify the order of resources in the list. The test harnesses and test scripts will be run in the order they are listed.
  3. Save and click Run.
    After running the test suite, you can see the run result details in the Run results for selected test harnesses with the run status (success, failed, inconclusive) in the test suite editor.

    The Test Result folder in the Project Explorer contains the test results for each test harness and for the generated test scripts contained in the test suite. You can produce a common, merged result file, containing the results of all the test harnesses of the test, see details in the Merging test suite results page.

  4. To open reports, right-click a Test result, select Open with > HTML reports and select the appropriate report.
  5. To order the test results, select Sort result files by ascending date in Window > Preferences > IBM® Rational® Test RealTimeNavigator
    Note: In some environments, if you have installed the product in an existing Eclipse, the test result timestamps and verdicts are not properly displayed in the package explorer. To fix this issue, in the project explorer, click View Menu > Customize View > Content and ensure that only Working Sets, IBM® Rational® Test RealTime Elements, CDT Elements, and Resources are selected.