Importing legacy component testing files

Component Testing for C

The file format of ATTOL UniTest and Rational® Test RealTime v2001A Component Testing for C and Ada is not compatible with the current file format used by Rational® Test RealTime.

This means that any .prj, .cmp, and .ses files created with pre-v2002 versions of the product must be imported and converted in order to be used in a current Rational® Test RealTime project.

The Import feature creates a new workspace with the updated Component Testing script files.

Note This problem only affects the Component Testing for C and Ada feature. You can use previous Component Testing for C++ and System Testing tests in your current projects without importing them.

  1. From the File menu, select Import.
  2. In the window Import V2001A Component Testing Files Into a New Workspace, select the Add... button and then select those V2001A Component Testing files that you wish to import. To import a complete UniTest or Test RealTime v2001A project, you must select all the .prj, .cmp, and .ses files from that project.
  3. Click the OK button
  4. In the window Name Workspace, type in a name for the new workspace and click OK.


This feature imports the session, project and campaign data from the old version of Component Testing, including references to and from test scripts as well as tested and integrated source files.

After the importation, you must manually check and update the following items:

  • Target Deployment Port: Use the TDP Editor to reconfigure any custom ATTOL Target Package settings. The Target Deployment Guide contains advanced information about upgrading from an old Target Package.

  • Configuration Settings: The Import feature retrieves -D condition information and include directories. Check the General, Build and Component Testing for C tabs of the Configuration Settings dialog box to identify any other settings that need updating.

  • Service and Family parameters: These are not imported and require manual updating with the Tester Configuration function.

Related Topics

About Component Testing for C and Ada | Manually Creating a Test or Application Node | Tester Configuration | Migrating from a previous version | Upgrading from v2001 target deployment ports