Creating test projects

In IBM® Rational® Test RealTime, projects are similar to C/C++ projects, but contain extra folders and a specific toolchain for component testing and runtime analysis.

About this task

Rational® Test RealTime can only work with its own managed build toolchain. You can also import and convert existing Eclipse CDT projects to work with Rational® Test RealTime.


To create a new project:
  1. In the C/C++ perspective, click File > New > C Project/C ++ Project . Or you can work in Test RealTime perspective, and click File > New > Project, and in the New project window, click C/C++, then C Project or C ++ Project.
  2. In the C Project or C ++ Project wizard, type a Project name.
  3. In Project type, select Executable > Empty project and in Toolchains, select . Click Next.
  4. On the Select Configurations page, ensure that the correct configuration is selected and click Next.
    You can select multiple configurations for the project.
  5. On the Target Deployment Port, select a TDP that you want to use as the native target platform for your project.
  6. Click Finish.

What to do next

After creating a project, you can import an existing C/C++ project into the product or use the Eclipse CDT tools to create a new project.