Support for Microsoft™ Visual Studio
If you plan to use Rational® Test RealTime on Windows™ with Microsoft™ Visual Studio you must install Visual Studio and execute it at least once before installing Rational® Test RealTime in order to correctly initialize the Windows™ registry database.
About this task
If you omitted to run Visual Studio before installing Rational® Test RealTime, the installation produces an error message. In this case, proceed with the installation and then execute the following steps.
To enable support of Microsoft™ Visual
Studio after installation:
- Run and close Visual Studio at least once.
Open a Windows™ Explorer and browse to the
following directory:
- Double-click the cvisual6.xdp (for Visual 6.0) or cvisual7.xdp (for Visual .NET), or cvisual8.xdp (for Visual 2005). This opens the Target Deployment Port (TDP) in the Target Deployment Port Editor.
- Save the TDP to regenerate the TDP directory.