Viewing a static metrics diagram

As part of the Component Testing wizard, Rational® Test RealTime provides static testability metrics to help you pinpoint the critical components of your application. You can use these static metrics to prioritize your test efforts.

The graph displays a simple two-axis plot based on the static metrics calculated by the wizard. The actual metrics on each axis can be changed in the Metrics Diagram Options dialog box.

Each unit (function, package or class, depending on the current Configuration language) is represented by a checkbox located at the intersection of the selected testability metrics values.

Move the mouse pointer over a checkbox to display a tooltip with the names of the associated units. To test a unit, select the corresponding checkbox.

Rational® Test RealTime also provides a Static Metrics Viewer, which is independent from the Component Testing wizard and can be accessed at any time.

To access the wizard Metrics Diagram:

  1. From the Start Page, run the Component Testing wizard.

  2. From the Components under Test page, click Metrics Diagram.

To select a unit for test:

  1. If necessary, click Options to set the two most relevant metrics for your application. This displays each unit at the intersection point of the two values.

  2. Move the mouse pointer over a checkbox to display a tooltip with the name of the unit.

  3. Select the most relevant units to test. Units under test are displayed in the list box.

  4. Click OK to validate the selection.

Related Topics

Component Testing Wizard | About Static Metrics | Metrics Diagram Options