Graphical User Interface - studio

The Rational® Test RealTime Graphical User Interface (GUI) is an integrated environment that provides access to all of the capabilities packaged with the product Studio.


studio [<options>] [<filename>{ <filename>}]

studio<.jpt file><.txf file><.tpf file>


  • <filename> can be an .rtp project or .rtw workspace file, as well as source files (.c, .cpp, .h, .ada) or any report files that can be opened by the GUI, such as .tdf, .tsf, .tpf, .tqf, .xrd files.



where <node> is a project node to be executed.

The -r option launches Studio without the User interface and automatically executes the specified node. Use the following syntax to indicate the path in the Project Explorer to the specified node:


Nodes in the path are separated by period ('.') symbols. If no node is specified, the GUI executes the entire project.

When using the -r option, an .rtp project file must be specified.

-html <directory>

where <directory> is an output directory for HTML reports.

When used with the -r option, the -html option directly outputs all reports in HTML format to the specified directory.

-config <configuration>

where <configuration> is a valid Configuration name.

The -config option allows you to specify a particular Configuration which is used when the studio GUI is opened. When combined with the -r option, you can build and execute any particular node with any particular Configuration.


The following command opens the project.rtp project file in the GUI, and runs the app_2 node, located in app_group_1 of user_workspace:

studio -r user_workspace.app_group_1.app_2 project.rtp

The following example opens a UML sequence diagram created by Runtime Tracing.

studio my_app.tsf my_app.tdf

Return Codes

After execution, the program exits with the following return codes

Code Description
0 The run process, the build run and the post-processing phases have completed but some of the tests have status failed.
1 The run process, the build run and the post-processing phases have completed and all the unit tests are correct.
5 The run process was interrupted before the end. This indicates a failure during the build/execution or post-processing phase.

These codes help you decide on a course of action after Studio has finished running the test. You can obtain these return codes after execution with the following methods:


studio -r -config "C GNU" test.rtp

echo "Build Result : " %ERRORLEVEL%


studio -r -config "C GNU" test.rtp

echo "Build Result : " $?

All messages are sent to the standard error output device.