Supervisor script structure

System Testing Supervisor Script Language.

System Testing manages the simultaneous execution of Virtual Testers distributed over a network. The supervisor script language allows you to create a supervisor process to:

  • Set up target hosts to run the test

  • Launch the virtual testers, the system under test and any other tools.

  • Synchronize virtual testers during execution

  • Retrieve the execution traces after test execution

Note When using the Rational® Test RealTime graphical user interface, the .spv supervisor scripts are generated automatically. Experienced users can edit these files manually. See System Testing supervisor

Test script file names must contain only plain alphanumerical characters.

Basic structure

A typical System Testing .spv supervisor script looks like this:

HOST machine_1 IS localhost

HOST machine_2 IS


COPY local_file machine_2:remote_file

DO machine_1:program

All instructions in a test script have the following characteristics:

  • All statements begin with a keyword.

  • Statements are not case sensitive.

  • Statements start at the beginning of a line and end at the end of a line. You can, however, write an instruction over several lines using the ampersand (&) continuation character at the beginning of additional lines. In this case, the ampersand must be the very first character on that line; no spaces or tabs should precede it.

  • Statements must be shorter than 2048 characters, although this limit may be lower on some platforms.

Supervisor script instructions are sequential. There is no hierarchical structure in the script.

Related Topics

System Testing supervisor script (.spv) | Supervisor script keywords | System Testing supervisor