General Settings

The General settings are part Configuration Settings dialog box, which allows you to configure settings for each node.

By default, the settings of each node are inherited from those of the parent node. When you override the settings of a parent node, changes are propagated to all child nodes within the same Configuration. Overridden fields are displayed in bold.

Host configuration settings

The Host Configuration area lets you specify any information about the machine on which the Target Deployment Port is to be compiled.

  • Hostname: The hostname of the machine. By default this is the local host.

  • Address: The IP address of the local machine. By default this is Leave this field blank to dynamically retrieve the actual IP address of the machine each time this setting is used.

  • System Testing agent TCP/IP port: The port number used by System Testing Agents. The default is 10000.

  • Socket upload port: The default value is 7777.

Directories settings

  • Temporary: Enter the location for any temporary files created during the Build process

  • Report: Specify the directory where test and analysis results are created.

Target Deployment Port data

The Target Deployment Port (TDP) Settings allow you to override the TDP used for a particular node in the current Configuration. By default, the TDP used is that of the current Configuration.

  • Name: Displays the name of the TDP.

  • Directory: Specifies the TDP directory name or relative path. By default, Rational® Test RealTime searches for the TDP directory in the directories that are declared in the project preferences.

  • Use Directory as relative: This option enables you to specify the TDP directory as a relative path from the project file (for example: ../TDP/clinuxgnu). To use this option, select True and then, in the Directory setting, click ... to browse to the relative TDP directory. When this option is selected, the TDP directories declared in the project preferences are no longer searched.

  • Initial definition file: Points to the default .ini file in the TDP directory.

  • Source file language: Specifies the language of the TDP.

  • Object File Extension: Specifies the default extension for object files produced with the current TDP.

  • Dynamic library file extension: Specifies the file extension used for dynamic library files.

  • Static library file extension: Specifies the file extension used for static library files.

  • Binary file extension: Specifies the default extension for executable binaries produced with the current TDP (for example: .exe).

  • Source File Extension: Specifies the default extension for source files used with the current TDP.

Source file information settings

The Source File Information settings are only available on the project node as they apply to how Rational® Test RealTime extracts source file information and dependency files to be displayed in the Asset Browser view of the Project Explorer. These setting apply to the entire project and cannot be overridden at the node level.

  • Directories for include files: Specifies a list of include directories for the file tagging facility.

  • Get struct definition like a class: Extracts struct definitions and display them as classes in the Asset Browser.

CSV format settings

The CSV format settings allow you to specify options for importing a test data table from a .csv table file. The default values are inherited from the local settings of your operating system. See Importing a Data Table (.csv File) for more information.

  • CSV separator: Specifies the character used to separate table columns.

  • CSV decimal separator: Specifies the character used as a decimal separator.

  • CSV thousand separator: Specifies the character used to mark thousands.

To edit the General settings for a node:

  1. In the Project Explorer, click the Settings button.
  2. Select a node in the Project Explorer pane.
  3. In the Configuration Settings list, expand General.
  4. Select Host Configuration, Directories or Target Deployment Port.
  5. When you have finished, click OK to validate the changes.

Related Topics

About Configuration Settings