
Ada Test Script Compiler - attolpostproada


The Ada Test Report Generator processes a trace file produced during test execution, and generates a test report.


attolpostproada <trace_filename> <report_filename> [<options>]

attolpostproada @ <option file>


  • <trace_filename> specifies the root (filename without extension) of the trace file that is generated when the program runs.

    <report_filename> specifies the name of the .rod compact report file produced by the Test Report Generator.

    <options> can be any of the optional parameters specified below.

    <option_file> is the name of a plain-text file containing a list of options.


The Test Report Generator uses <trace_filename> to find the names of both the .rio trace file and the .tdc, .ddt and .mdt files that are generated by the Test Script Compiler.

If <report_filename> is provided without an extension, the Test Report Generator attaches .rod.

If either <trace_filename> or <report_filename> are omitted, the Test Report Generator produces an error message and terminates.

If any of the required files (.rio, .tdc, .ddt or .mdt) do not exist, cannot be read, or contain synchronization errors, the Test Report Generator produces an error message and terminates.

If the Test Report Generator cannot create the .rod compact report file, generation of the report is terminated. If the file already exists, the newly generated file replaces the existing report.

The .rod compact report file is an intermediate low-footprint format that can be stored on remote targets. The .rod files must be converted to the .xrd report file format to be displayed by the Rational® Test RealTimeGUI with the rod2xrd command line tool.


Options can be in any order. They may be upper or lowercase and can be abbreviated to their shortest unambiguous number of characters.

-cio= <coverage result file>

This option allows you to insert coverage results in the report file. This option must be used only in conjunction with the Code Coverage feature.

-ra[=test | error]

This option specifies the form of the output report generated by the Test Report Generator.

Use -ra with no parameter, to display ALL test variables and mark any variables that are incorrect for a given test. This option is used by default.

Use the -ra=test option to display ALL test variables, with incorrect variables marked. This option provides a comprehensive display of variables for an incorrect test, which can prove useful in a complex test environment.

Use -ra=error to to display only erroneous test variables.

For both -ra=test and -ra=error, if no errors are detected in the test, only general information about the test is produced.

-va=eval | noeval | combined

This option lets you specify the way in which initial and expected values of each variable are displayed in the test report.

Use -va=eval if you want the test report to show the initial and expected value of each variable evaluated during execution of the test. This is only relevant for variables whose initial or expected value expressions are not reducible in the test script.

Note: For arrays and structures in which one of the members is an array, the initial values are not evaluated. For the expected values, only incorrect elements are evaluated.

Use -va=noeval if you want the test report to show the initial and expected values described in the test script.

The -va=combined option combines both eval and noeval parameters. For each variable, the Report Generator includes the initial and expected values described in the test script, as well as the initial and expected values evaluated during execution, if these values differ.

By default, the -va=eval parameter is used.


This option is for internal usage only.

Return Codes

After execution, the program exits with the following return codes

Code Description
0 End of execution with no errors
3 End of execution with one or more warning messages
5 End of execution with one or more errors
7 End of execution because of fatal error
9 End of execution because of internal error

All messages are sent to the standard error output device.