Using a Debugger

Before moving to the next step we need to understand how Rational® Test RealTime uses the GDB debugger command. This function is called when the Debug build option is selected in the GUI.

Note This is NOT a break-point strategy. The Debug option merely allows you to manually inspect application execution.

To build a node in Rational® Test RealTime Debug mode:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the project node.
  2. From the Build toolbar, click the Build Options button and select Debug in the Build Options window.
  3. In the Project Explorer, select the add.c node.
  4. From the Build toolbar, click the Build button.

This runs a command line window with the GDB up and running.

Using the Debugger

In the GDB window, type the following commands:

break priv_writeln

break priv_close

display atl_buffer


If you type c or cont for continue you should see the atl_buffer contents changing and showing information similar to what you obtained in the Message Console with the printf command.

Debug Results

The priv_writeln and priv_close primitives are implemented within the TDP. The former is interpreted as a dump request event, whereas the latter is an end of execution event.

The atl_buffer symbol (default size is 1024 bytes) dynamically gathers information from the test execution.

The objective is to produce a file on the file system just as we did with the standard I/O functions or the user-defined I/O functions. When a break point strategy is required, the manual process you have just accomplished must be somehow automated.

Move on the next section: Break Points