Tests linked to requirements

With Rational® Test RealTime, you can link a test case and a test harness to one or several requirements coming from another tool to create a traceability matrix between requirements and test results.

In a Test Case
  1. Open a Test Case.
  2. Select the first or last node in the activity diagram.
  3. Select the tab Requirements in the right panel. In this panel, you can add a requirement with his name and a comment.
In a Test Harness
  1. Open a test harness.
  2. Select the first or last node in the activity diagram.
  3. Select Requirements in the tab, in the right panel. In this panel, you can add a requirement with his name and a comment. For information about the Requirements page, see Editing test cases and Editing test harnesses

After test execution, a requirement status is computed for each requirement, based on the result of the tests that are linked to this requirement.

A tool rod2req generates an XML file with all the requirement status and a coverage status.

Requirement attributes
From the preferences, you can define some attributes that will be added to the requirements tractability matrix. To do so, proceed as follows:
  1. Open the Preferences.

    Select > Requirements

  2. Enter one or several attributes. Each attribute has a name and a type (string, integer, real, boolean).

Attribute values can be provided by environment variables during the pre-processing phase. For example, if TARGETNAME is set, the value of the attribute TARGETNAME will be set by this environment. This allows you to dynamically configure some attributes in your build chain depending on the execution context.

Requirement List

From the preferences, you can enter the path to a .cvs file, an .xml file, or a .reqif file that contains all the existing requirements that have been exported from your Requirement Management Tool. The first line of this file must contain the title of the column: Name, Comment and Link. If you have added attributes to your requirements, it also contains columns with the attribute names. Then, you can add the requirements from the file by using a menu available in the test case or test harness editor, in the Requirements tab of the details view. For more information, see Editing test cases and Editing test harnesses.