Installing the Recommended GNU Compiler on Windows

Since the Tutorial requires access to both a C and C++ compiler, if you are working on a Windows operating system and you do not have Windows Visual C++ 6.0 installed, you are advised to install the following, recommended GNU C and C++ compiler. It is free to use and simple to install.

Name: MinGW

Home Page: MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows

  1. Locate and download the latest distribution archive to your machine.
  2. Install the distribution as described in the MinGW documentation.
  3. To verify a successful installation, open a DOS window, type gcc -v, then press the Enter key. You should see output close to the following:

Reading specs from c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/2.95.3-5/specs

Note that your base installation directory may differ.

The Target Deployment Port for the MinGW compiler needs to properly reference the location of certain MinGW folders. To do this, you will open the TDP template for the MinGW compiler, make the proper path modifications, and then create the actual TDP for use on your machine. For more information about the Target Deployment Port technology, see Host-based Testing vs Target-based Testing.

  1. Using the Start menu on your computer, select:

    Programs > Test RealTime > Target Deployment Port Editor

  2. Maximize the TDP Editor window.
  3. Select the menu item File-> Open.
  4. Open the TDP template gccmingw_template.xdp
  5. The fields you need to modify - in order to reflect the MinGW installation location on your machine - are highlighted in a large text box in the lower-right of the Editor, entitled Comment for the root node. If you can not see this edit box, left-click any node in the tree browser to the left other than the topmost node - named Gnu 2.95.3-5 (mingw) - and then click the topmost node. (This topmost tree node contains the name you will see in the Test RealTime interface.)
  6. Make the corrections specified in the edit box entitled Comment for the root node. Every use of the text C:\Gcc must be replaced by the path to the top level folder of your machine's MinGW installation.
  7. Select the menu item File-> Save As...
  8. In the File Name edit box, type the name cwinmingw, and then click the Save button.

You just created a Target Deployment Port customized for your machine's MinGW installation - the files for this TDP were saved in the targets folder (which contains the TDP templates folder) in a folder named cwinmingw. Proceed with the tutorial.