Host-based testing vs target-based testing

The testing and runtime analysis that you will perform for this tutorial take place entirely on your machine. However, one of the greatest capabilities of the product is its support for testing and analyzing your software directly on an embedded target. Does this mean you will need to change how you interact with your application when switching from host-based to target-based testing? Will your tests have to be rewritten, for example?

Not at all.

Thanks to the versatile, low-overhead Target Deployment Technology, all tests are fully target independent. Each cross-development environment - that is, every combination of compiler, linker, and debugger - has its own Target Deployment Port (TDP). In addition, any TDP can be modified via the product user interface at a more granular level, letting you customize a particular test or runtime analysis interaction without affecting neighboring interactions. Such granular tailoring is supported by the concept of Configurations. Each Configuration can support one or more TDP and can apply separate customization settings to each interaction assigned to it.

Over thirty reference TDPs, supporting some of the most commonly used cross-development environments, are supplied out-of-the-box. After creation of a project (you will be doing this in a few moments), you can access a list of TDPs installed on the machine.

To view a list of currently installed TDPs:

  1. From the Project menu, select Configuration.
  2. Select New...
  3. Use the dropdown list to scroll through the available TDPs.

Target Deployment Port Web Site

As new reference TDPs become available, they are first posted on a customer-accessible Web site. Check this site periodically for news of the latest TDPs to be made available.

Creating and Editing Target Deployment Ports

Does your organization target an environment for which no TDP yet exists? Using the Target Deployment Port Editor you can create support.

The reference TDPs supplied with the product can guide your TDP creation efforts.

IBM Rational also provides professional services should you choose to contract out their creation.

To access the Target Deployment Port Editor:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Target Deployment Port Editor and Start.

For more information about the Target Deployment Port Editor, please refer to the Web help Reference section.

Every feature is accessible regardless of the environment within which you will be executing your tests. Rest assured, your intended targets are supported.

Next: Host-based testing vs target-based testing