Migrating from v2001A Target Deployment Ports

Target Deployment Technology

This section describes the conversion of TDPs built for older versions (before v2002) of Rational® Test RealTime to the current, unified format.

This section applies to TDPs and ATTOL Target Packages created for:

  • ATTOL Coverage, UniTest and SystemTest

  • Rational® Test RealTime v2001A

TDPs created for later versions of Rational® Test RealTime or Rational® Test RealTime are compatible with the current version.

To migrate your old TDP to the current format:

  1. In the TDP Editor, create a new Target Deployment Port based on the appropriate new template:
    • use templatec.xdp for C and C++ TDPs

    • use templatea.xdp for Ada TDPs

  2. Item by item, recode or copy-paste information from your old TDP to the corresponding customization points in the TDP Editor, using the information in this section of the Target Deployment Guide to direct you.

Related Topics

Updating a Target Deployment Port | Upgrading from a previous version