Deploying Virtual Testers

System Testing for C

The Virtual Tester Deployment Table allows to deploy previously created Virtual Testers.

To open the Virtual Tester Deployment Table

  1. Make sure that Execution is selected in your Build options.
  2. In the Project Explorer, right-click a System Testing node.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select Deployment Configuration.
  4. Select Advanced Options and click Rendezvous.

Note The Virtual Tester Deployment Table is also included in the System Testing Wizard when you are setting up a new activity.

Virtual Tester Deployment Table

Use the Add, Remove or Copy buttons to modify the list. Each line represents one or several executions of a Virtual Tester assigned to an instance, target host, and other parameters.

  • Number of Occurrences: Specifies the number of simultaneous executions of the current line.

  • Virtual Tester Name: Specifies one of the previously created Virtual Testers.

  • Instance: Specifies the instances assigned to this Virtual Tester. If an instance was specifically assigned in the Virtual Tester Configuration box, this cannot be changed. Select <all> only if no INSTANCE is defined in the test script.

  • Network Node: This defines the target host on which the current line is to be deployed. You can enter a machine name or an IP address. Leave this field blank if you want to use the IP address specified in the Host Configuration section of the General Settings.

Note If the IP address line in the Host Configuration settings is blank, then the Virtual Tester Deployment Table retrieves the IP address of the local machine when generating the deployment script.

Advanced Options

Click the Advanced Options button to add the following columns to the Virtual Tester Deployment Table, and to add the Rendezvous... button.

  • Agent TCP/IP Port: This specifies the port used by the System Testing Agents to communicate with Rational® Test RealTime. By default, System Testing uses port 10000.

  • Delay: This allows you to set a delay between the execution of each line of the table.

  • First Occurrence ID: This specifies the unique occurrence ID identifier for the first Virtual Tester executed on this line. The occurrence ID is automatically incremented for each number of instances of the current line. See Communication Between Virtual Testers for more information.

  • RIO filename: This specifies the name of the .rio file containing the Virtual Tester output, for use in multi-threaded or RTOS environments.

Click the Rendezvous Configuration button to set up any rendezvous members.

File System Limitations

Deployment of the Virtual Testers results in the creation of an .spv deployment script. This script contains file system commands, such as CHDIR. If you are deploying the test to a target platform that does not support a file system, you must edit the .spv script manually.

For the .spv supervisor script to be generated, the Execution option must be selected in the Build options.

Related Topics

About Virtual Testers | Configuring Virtual Testers | Setting Up Rendezvous Members | Editing the Deployment Script | System Testing supervisor script (.spv) | System Testing Supervisor - atsspv