Running the Rational Quality Manager adapter

To use Rational Quality Manager with a computer that uses Rational® Test RealTime Studio, the Rational® Test RealTime adapter must be running on the computer.

Before running the adapter, ensure that both the PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables are properly set to the correct location of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.5 or later.

When you run the adapter for the first time, you are asked to type configuration information in the console window.

To run the Rational® Test RealTime adapter for Rational Quality Manager:

  1. Open a command line window and navigate to the run the adapter command line:
    <installation directory>\RQMAdapter\TestRTadapter\
  2. Run the adapter command:
    • On Windows, type startTestRTAdapter.bat, or from the Start menu, select > Tools > Start > Adapter for Rational Quality Manager.

    • On UNIX, enter the following command:
  3. If you run the adapter for the first time, enter the following information in the command window:
    • Server URL: Enter the URL of the Rational® Quality Manager server.

    • Login: Enter the login used to connect to Rational® Quality Manager.

    • Password: Enter your password.

    • Project Area (Optional): Enter the name of project area, if necessary.

    • Enter adapter name: Enter the name of the Rational® Test RealTime adapter on the current computer as it will appear in Rational® Quality Manager. By default the name is TestRT on <hostname> .

The adapter only asks these questions the first time it is run. If you need to change this server URL and login information, run the adapter with the -reconfigure option.

 startTestRTAdapter.bat -reconfigure

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