Opening a report

Because of the links between the various views of the GUI, there are many ways of opening a test or runtime analysis report in Rational® Test RealTime . The mst common ones are described here.

Note Some reports require opening several files. For example, when manually opening a UML sequence diagram, you must select at the complete set of .tsf files as well as the .tdf file generated at the same time. A mismatch in .tsf and .tdf files would result in erroneous tracing of the UML sequence diagram.

To open a report from the Project Explorer:

  1. Execute your test with the Build command.
  2. Right-click the application or test node.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select View Report and then the appropriate report.

Note Reports cannot be viewed before the application or test has been executed.

To manually open a report made of several files:

  1. From the File menu, select Browse Reports. Use the Browse Reports window to create a list of files to be opened in a single report. For example, a .tdf dynamic trace file with the corresponding .tsf static trace files.
  2. Click the Add button. In the Type box of the File Selector, select the appropriate file type. For example, select .tdf.
  3. Locate and select the report files that you want to open. Click Open.
  4. Click the Add button. In the Type box of the File Selector, select the appropriate file type. For example, select .tsf.
  5. Locate and select the report files that you want to open. Click Open.
  6. In the Browse Reports window, click Open.

Report Viewers

The GUI opens the report viewer adapted to the type of report:

Related Topics

Understanding Reports | Using the Report Viewer | Using the Memory Profiling Viewer | Using the Performance Profiling Viewer | About the UML/SD Viewer | About the Code Coverage Viewer