Adding files to a project

The Project Explorer centralizes all Project files in a unique location. For Rational® Test RealTime to access and analyze source files, they must be accessible from the Project Explorer.

Files are automatically added when you use the Activity Wizard.

To add files to the Project Explorer:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the Object Browser tab
  2. In the Sort Method box, select By Files.
  3. SelectProject > Add to Current Project > New File.
  4. This opens the file selector. In the file Type box, select the type of files that are to be added.
  5. Locate and select one or several files to be added, and click Open.

The selected files will appear under the Source sections of the Project Explorer.

If you have the Automatic source browsing option enabled, your source files will be analyzed, making their components directly accessible in the Project Explorer.

You can also create new files by right-clicking a node and selecting A dd Child > Add New File.

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