Ada Metrics Generator - metada


The Ada Metrics Generator produces .met static metric files for the specified source files.


metada <source_file> [-output_dir= <output_directory>]

metada @ <options_file>


  • <source_file> is the name of the source file to be analyzed.

    <output directory> is the absolute path of the location where the .met static metric file is to be generated.

    <options_file> points to a plain text file containing a list of options.


The Ada Metrics Calculator analyzes a specified Ada source file and produces a .met static metric file, which can be opened with the GUI.

Note For other languages, the .met static metric files are produced by the C and C++ Source Code Parsers.

Return Codes

After execution, the program exits with the following return codes

Code Description
0 End of execution with no errors
3 End of execution with one or more warning messages
5 End of execution with one or more errors
7 End of execution because of fatal error
9 End of execution because of internal error

All messages are sent to the standard error output device.