System Testing Supervisor - atsspv

The System Testing Supervisor executes .spv supervisor script files.


atsspv spv_script options


spv_script is the .spv supervisor script to execute.

options is a series of command line options. See the section Options.


System Testing manages the simultaneous execution of Virtual Testers distributed over a network. When using System Testing, the job of the Supervisor is to:
  • Set up target hosts to run the test.
  • Launch the Virtual Testers, the system under test and any other tools.
  • Synchronize Virtual Testers during execution.
  • Retrieve the execution traces after test execution.

The System Testing Supervisor uses a .spv supervisor deployment script to control System Testing Agents installed on each distributed target host. Agents can launch either applications or Virtual Testers.

While the agent-spawned processes are running, their standard and error outputs are redirected to the supervisor.

Note: You must install and configure the agents on the target machines before execution.

The Supervisor generates traces during analysis and execution. These traces are displayed on the screen and written to a log file named as spv_script.lis.

Confirmation with telnet interface

You can check that the System Testing Agent is correctly configured by using the telnet interface. Launch a telnet session to the computer on which the Agent is running, on the System Testing port (by default 10000) and type Jef username after the welcome prompt. The exchange should be the same as follows:
> telnet <computer> 10000 
210 hello, pleased to meet you.> 
Jef <username>

The answer should provide the status of the user on the computer.


  • -CHECK

    This option specifies that the scenario is to be analyzed but not executed. This allows you to check for errors in the .spv script.

  • -NOLOG

    Disables supervisor output of error messages and warnings to the screen. Traces are still written to the .lis log file.

  • STUDIO_MACH=localhost

    By default, the supervisor uses the IP address to connect to the Rational® Test RealTimeGraphical User Interface. Use -STUDIO_MACH= localhost to resolve problems when the supervisor fails to connect.


    This option is for internal usage only.

Return Codes

Code Description
0 End of execution with no errors
3 End of execution with one or more warning messages
5 End of execution with one or more errors
7 End of execution because of fatal error
9 End of execution because of internal error