Code review overview

Code Review for C

Automated source code review is a method of analyzing code against a set of predefined rules to ensure that the source adheres to guidelines and standards that are part of any efficient quality control strategy. Rational® Test RealTime provides an automated code review tool, which reports on adherence to guidelines for your C source code.

Among other guidelines, the code review tool implements rules from the MISRA-C:2004 standard, Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems.

Code Review supports C89 and C99.

How the code review tool works

When an application or test node is built, the source code is analyzed by the code review tool. The tool checks the source file against the predefined rules and produces a .crc report file that can be viewed and controlled from the Rational® Test RealTime graphical user interface (GUI).

Code review can be performed each time a node is built, but can also be calculated without executing the application.

To learn about See
Setting up the rules to used for reviewing code Configuring code review rules
Performing a code review Running a code review
Viewing and understanding the results of a code review Viewing code review results
Interpreting code review reports Understanding code review reports
Locally disabling a rule Ignoring rules in a portion of code
The list of rules used by Rational® Test RealTime code review Code review rules