Management of performance agents

You can manage the performance agents that you want to use as locations to run tests from IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server. When you install the agents by using your offline user token, the agents are registered with the team space in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server. You can view the registered agents before you add them to your projects. You can then select them as locations to run tests.

When you plan to run any of the tests on a remote performance agent from a project in Rational® Test Automation Server, you must have completed the following tasks:
  • Installed the performance agent of the same version as the version of Rational® Test Automation Server. Refer to the IBM® Rational® Performance Tester documentation for installing the performance agent at Installing Rational Performance Tester agent.
  • Configured the performance agent with your offline user token so that the performance agent can register with Rational® Test Automation Server.
    Note: When you configure the performance agent by using your offline user token, Rational® Test Automation Server considers you as the owner of the performance agent.
  • Verified that you have write permissions to the majordomo.config file so that certain transactions can be written by Rational® Test Automation Server to the majordomo.config file.
    Note: You can verify if you have the Read and Write permissions by checking the properties of the majordomo.config file.
  • Viewed the performance agents that are registered with Rational® Test Automation Server. See Viewing performance agents that are registered with Rational Test Automation Server.

  • Added the remote performance agents that are registered with Rational® Test Automation Server to your project on Rational® Test Automation Server. See Adding a performance agent to a project.
  • After you add the remote performance agents to your project, Rational® Test Automation Server determines the capabilities that are provided by the remote performance agent and displays the details and capabilities of the performance agent on the Agents and Intercepts page. You can also define the capabilities that you want to add, and then view, edit, or delete the capabilities that you defined for the performance agents in your project. See Working with the capabilities of a performance agent.