Viewing Surefire format reports

After you execute JMeter, JUnit, API, and Functional tests with advanced settings in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server, you can view the test results in a Surefire format report by using dedicated URLs.

Before you begin

You must have configured your tests with one of the following parameters:
  • For JMeter, JUnit, Postman, and HCL® AppScan Suites, set the history parameter with cisterna value in the Additional Configuration Parameters field in the Advanced settings .
  • For API Suites, AFT Suites, Compound tests, Functional tests, and API tests, set the -history cisterna parameter in the Program Arguments field in the Advanced settings .

About this task

When a test run is complete, you can see the test result data in a report that is in a Surefire format. You can view this report by using dedicated URLs, and you do not have to do any import task.


  1. Click Analyze > Results in the navigation pane.
    The Results page is displayed.
  2. Click a test result and note its project identifier and test result identifier (ID) in the URL of the test log that is displayed in your browser. The URL is in the following format:<ProjectID>/analyze/test-log/<ResultID>.
    The identifiers are required to view the Surefire test logs in the following steps.
  3. Enter one of the following URLs with the appropriate information in a web browser or in an external tool that you use to view Surefire reports:
    • /rest/projects/<ProjectID>/data/views/surefire/

      Enter your REST API address and the project identifier to view the list of all test cases in the project with details about their status.


    • /rest/projects/<ProjectID>/results/<ResultID>/data/views/surefire/

      Enter your REST API address, the project identifier, and the test result identifier to view the results for this test result id in the project.



The test result reports are displayed in a Surefire format.