Configuring HCL® Compass

You must configure HCL® Compass as a change management system in your project to create the HCL® Compass work items from Rational® Test Automation Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Read about the prerequisite tasks in Prerequisites.

  • Ensured that you are assigned a role of a Project Owner in the project. See Managing access to server projects.
  • Ensured that you obtained the access and authentication details to HCL® Compass from the HCL® Compass administrator.
  • Created a project in your team space in Rational® Test Automation Server. See Adding a project.


  1. Log in to Rational® Test Automation Server.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Active projects > My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Manage > Integration in the navigation pane.
    The Integration page is displayed.
  5. Click Add New, and then select the Compass option from the list.

    The Configure Compass application dialog is displayed.

  6. Configure the HCL® Compass application by performing the following steps:
    1. Enter the URL of the HCL® Compass server.
      Note: You can enter the URL of HCL® Compass in any of the following formats:
      • https://IP_address:port/
      • https://hostname/
      Where Is
      IP_address The IP address of the server on which HCL® Compass is installed.
      port The port that is used to communicate with HCL® Compass.
      hostname The hostname of the computer on which HCL® Compass is installed.
    2. Click Next, and then select the application from the Application list.
    3. Click Add.

      The configuration is added and saved to the CHANGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM tab. You can view the information in the Configuration status column to verify if the connection is established.


You have configured HCL® Compass as a change management system in your project on Rational® Test Automation Server.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: