Additional Helm parameters

You can find the information about Helm parameters that you can use during the installation of Rational® Test Automation Server.

As a system administrator when you install or upgrade Rational® Test Automation Server, you can pass values for some of the individual parameters by using --set. The following table lists such parameters that you can use while running the helm install or helm upgrade command to enable or disable certain features in Rational® Test Automation Server.

Parameters Values Description


IP address or domain name of other servers.

Use this parameter to integrate call requests from other web servers to Rational® Test Automation Server.

The default configuration of Rational® Test Automation Server rejects all Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). Therefore, you must use the gateway.allowedOrigin parameter to restrict CORS to a specific whitelist.

For example,
--set gateway.allowedOrigin=*,*
Where, and are the domains that you want to provide access to Rational® Test Automation Server.

You can also provide the value of gateway.allowedOrigin as the IP address when you cannot resolve a specific Domain Name Server (DNS). If your domain can be accessible through IP address on a specific port, then you can provide the value of gateway.allowedOrigin as follows:

--set gateway.allowedOrigin=*://ip-address:*,*://ip-address:port_number
For example,
--set gateway.allowedOrigin="*://*"
--set gateway.allowedOrigin="*://"
Note: You can provide multiple domain names or IP addresses separated by a comma (,).




Set this parameter value to true to restrict traffic from Rational® Test Automation Server to private IP addresses.

The default configuration of Rational® Test Automation Server does not create any Egress policy to restrict the other endpoints that can connect with Rational® Test Automation Server. Therefore, you must use the networkPolicy.egress.enabled parameter to enable the Egress policy that can restrict traffic to private IP addresses.

For example,
--set networkPolicy.egress.enabled=true
You can inspect the deployed policy by running the following command:
kubectl get networkpolicy -n {namespace} {my-rtas}-allow-egress -oyaml
Note: You must substitute {namespace} with the name of the namespace and {my-rtas} with the release name that you used during the installation of the server software.




Use this parameter to run VU schedules that contain multiple Web UI tests or a large number of virtual users or a combination of Web UI, performance, and API tests.

The default value of the execution.template.resources.limits.memory parameter is set to 3Gi.

For example,
--set execution.template.resources.limits.memory=5Gi





Set this parameter value to false if you create an ingress Secret to store certificates as trusted certificates.

The default value of the global.ibmRtasCertSecretOptional parameter is set to true.

For example,
--set global.ibmRtasCertSecretOptional=false