Setting up the HTTP proxy

When you want to run HTTP virtual services on IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server, you can set up an HTTP proxy to route requests to the virtual service. You must configure the HTTP proxy with the Rational® Test Automation Server URL and offline user token generated from Rational® Test Automation Server so that the HTTP proxy can register with Rational® Test Automation Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

You must edit the registration.xml file that is located in the <RTCP_install_directory>\httptcp directory for the following attributes:
  • server base-url
  • security-token
  • team-space-id
You must enter the Rational® Test Automation Server URL, offline user token, and the ID of the team space to which the proxies must register as the values for the attributes. After you restart the proxy, the HTTP proxy registers with the team space on Rational® Test Automation Server. You can view the registered intercepts from the Infrastructure > Agents and Intercepts page in your team space.


  1. Perform the following steps in Rational® Test Automation Server:
    1. Log in to Rational® Test Automation Server.

      The Team Space Dashboard page is displayed.

    2. Generate the offline user token by clicking the User icon Image of the icon., and then click Create Token.
    3. Copy the offline user token to a text file.
    4. Click the Settings icon Image of the settings icon. of the team space in the My Team Spaces page.

      The Team Space Configuration page is displayed.

    5. Copy the text that is displayed under URL alias as the Team Space ID.
  2. Perform the following steps to edit the registration.xml file that is located in the <RTCP_install_directory>\httptcp directory on the computer on which you have installed Rational® Test Control Panel:
    1. Open the registration.xml file by using a text editor.
    2. Enter the values for the following attributes:
      Note: If an entry exists, you must either comment out that entry and add a new one or replace the contents with the values indicated.
      Attribute Value
      server base-url URL of Rational® Test Automation Server
      security-token Offline user token generated from Rational® Test Automation Server
      team-space-id ID of the team space to which the proxies must register
    3. Save and close the file.
    4. Restart the HTTP proxy.
  3. Perform the following steps in Rational® Test Automation Server to view the HTTP proxies that are registered in the team space:
    1. Log in to Rational® Test Automation Server and open the team space that contains your project.
    2. Click Infrastructure > Agents and Intercepts to view the registered intercepts.

      The HTTP proxies that you configured with your offline user token and Team Space ID are displayed.


You have successfully configured the HTTP proxies and viewed that they are registered in the team space on Rational® Test Automation Server.

What to do next

You can perform the following tasks: