Connecting agents to the Resource Monitoring service

You must install the Resource Monitoring agents on the target host for which you want to monitor the performance statistics. The agents must be run to establish a connection with the Resource Monitoring service.

Before you begin

  • The Resource Monitoring service does not require access to the agent host but the agent must have reached the service host over HTTPS.
  • The Java agent must have been launched from a jar file and requires a Java 8 virtual machine.
  • The Docker agent must have been launched in a Docker container and requires Docker 19.03.

About this task

This task applies to Java and Docker agents. However, the commands used to install agents are different from Java and Docker agents. You can find the commands and instructions in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server in the Resource Monitoring agents page.

Before you start the Docker agents, you must build a Docker image.


  1. In IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server click Set up Agents to extend Resource Monitoring service to access the Agents page where you can find the instructions and commands that are to be used to install and run the agents. Link to instructions about how to extend RM service with agentsinstructions about how to configure a docker agent
  2. To download the agent, click Download jar file for a Java agent or Download Docker file for a Docker agent.
    You can also use the curl and wget commands to download the agent without accessing the Resource Monitoring web UI. For more facility, use the code snippets to copy and fill in the commands with the valid offline token and the jar or docker file name.
    curl -O -J https://hostName/rm/Agent-jar
    wget --content-disposition https://hostName/rm/Agent-jar
  3. This step applies to Docker agents only, copy the build command and paste it in your console to build a Docker image.
  4. To run your Agent, configure the command as follows:
    1. Copy the appropriate command respectfully to your environment system with the code snippets.
    2. In your console, points to the directory path that contains the Agent jar file, and paste the command.
    On Windows:
    set RTCP_OFFLINE_TOKEN=(Enter your offline token here)
    java -jar (Enter the name of the downloaded jar file here) --ServiceUrl=https://hostName/rm --projectId=<project_id>
    On Linux:
    sudo RTCP_OFFLINE_TOKEN=(Enter your offline token here) java -jar (Enter the name of the downloaded jar file here) --ServiceUrl=portNumber/rm --projectId=<project_id>


When the agent is started, it is displayed in the list of connected Resource Monitoring agents with the host name and status of the agent. The agent is also added to the main page of the Resource Monitoring service in IBM® Rational® Test Automation Serverview of total and type of sources, agents added to a project

What to do next

Now, when adding a new source, you can choose where it is collected from, a service or the named agents, depending on the capabilities supported by the environment.