HTTP test details

Test detail fields apply to the entire test.

Common options

Lists details about each dataset that the test uses: the name of the dataset, the columns that are used, and the location in the test where the dataset column is referenced. Click an item in the Location column to go to that location.
Add Dataset
Click to add a reference to a dataset for test to use. Clicking this option is the same as clicking Add > Dataset with the test selected.
Select a dataset reference, and then click to delete the reference from the test. The dataset is still available to other tests.
Show Dataset Candidates
Click to open the Show Dataset Candidates window, where you can review and change data correlation.
Digital Certificates
Lists details about the certificate stores that the test uses. Click Add to add a certificate store for the test to use. HTTP and SOA support digital certificates. Other protocols do not support digital certificates.
Enable response time breakdown
Enables collection of response time breakdown data. With response time breakdown, you can see statistics on any page element. The statistics show how much time was spent in each part of the system under test. You can use response time breakdown to identify code problems. You can see which application on which server is the performance bottleneck, and then drill down further to determine exactly which package, class, or method is causing the problem.

This option is displayed in multiple test elements. Enabling this option in an element also enables it in the element’s children. For example, enabling monitoring at the test level also enables monitoring at the page and request levels. You can enable monitoring for a specific page; doing so enables monitoring for the requests of that page, but not for other pages or their requests.

HTTP and SOA support response time breakdown. Other protocols do not support response time breakdown.


Digital Certificates
Lists details about the certificate stores that the test uses. Click Add to add a certificate store for the test to use. Not all protocols support digital certificates.
Click the Use Smart Card Authentication check box to play back the test for the application that requires smart card authentication. You must supply the same alias and PIN code that you used when recording the test.
Enable Kerberos authentication
Select to enable Kerberos authentication. The user ID, password, and realm are supplied when a Kerberos authentication challenge occurs during playback. If you record a test using no authentication, and then enable Kerberos authentication on the system under test, select this check box.
User ID
Type the user principal name. The user principal name format consists of the user name, the "at" sign (@), and a user principal name suffix. Do not use the domain\username format. User IDs are case-sensitive.
Type the password for the User ID. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Client realm
Type the realm of the client application. In Windows environments, the client realm is the Windows domain name for the computer sending the request to the server. Typically, the client realm is all uppercase.
Client KDC
Type the name of the client key distribution center. In Windows environments, the client key distribution center is the hostname of the domain controller for the client realm. By default, the client key distribution center is set to the domain controller of the computer where the test was recorded. Verify the default value with your system administrator.
Server realm
Type the realm of the server under test. The client and server might share the same realm. Type the server realm only if the server realm is different from the client realm. Contact your system administrator for more information about the server realm.
Server KDC
Type the name of the server key distribution center. In Windows environments, the server key distribution center is the hostname of the domain controller for the server domain. Type the server key distribution center only if the server is in a different domain than the client.
Enable response time breakdown
Select to enable the collection of response time breakdown data. You can enable response time breakdown collection at the parent or page level. Not all test elements support response time breakdown data collection.

Performance Requirements

The table displays the performance and functional requirements that are defined in the test. To edit a requirement definition, double-click a table row. To return to this table, click the root name of the test in the Test Contents area.
Select one or more requirements and click to remove the definition. The requirement is still available and can be redefined.
Enable response time breakdown
Select to enable the collection of response time breakdown data. You can enable response time breakdown collection at the parent or page level. Not all test elements support response time breakdown data collection.

HTTP options

Timeout action
Specifies what the test does if the primary request for a page does not succeed within the Timeout interval. If you select Log error and continue execution, the test logs the error and proceeds to the next page. If you select Try to reload the page, the test attempts to reload the page one more time. If that attempt fails, the test logs an error and proceeds to the next page.
Specifies the time threshold for initiating the action that you select for Timeout action.
Clear cookie cache when the test starts
This option resets the cookie cache when looping in the schedule or when a test follows another test in the schedule. By default, the cookie cache for a virtual user is not reset, which is consistent with browser behavior. If you want each loop iteration to behave as a new user, select this option. Otherwise, the cookies in the cache might alter the server responses and verification points might fail. To reset the cookie cache from one loop iteration to the next when looping within a test, add custom code and call an API.
Clear page cache when the test starts
This option deletes the page cache when a test starts. Typically, when a test follows another test in the schedule or when you anticipate an out-of-memory exception due to overload, you can delete the cache.
Disable page cache emulation in this test
This option disables page cache emulation. When page cache emulation is enabled, caching information in server response headers is honored. Additionally, requests are not submitted to the server for content that is confirmed by the client as fresh in the local cache. Page cache emulation is enabled by default.
Remove HTTP request delays from page response times
To not include the client delays in the page response times for the test or schedule, in this context, is used to refer to both VU Schedule and Rate Schedule, select this check box. By default, the page response times include delays to represent processing time caused by clients such as a web browser. Sometimes this delay could exceed the logical limit causing page response times to increase drastically.
Playback speed
Move the slider to increase or decrease the speed at which the HTTP requests are sent. You can specify a range from no delays to twice the recorded length. This scale is applied to the Delay field of each request in the test. If you speed playback up dramatically, requests might occur out of order. To fix this problem, reduce playback speed until the test runs correctly again.
Note: To set a maximum request delay, click Window > Preferences > Test > Test Generation > HTTP Test Generation. Click the Protocol tab, and enter a value for Maximum Request Delay.
Secondary request behavior
Click Modify to disable or reenable requests that occur within a page. You can disable all secondary requests, images, host-based or port-based requests, or user-defined requests.
Enable response time breakdown
Select to enable the collection of response time breakdown data. You can enable response time breakdown collection at the parent or page level. Not all test elements support response time breakdown data collection.