Running a test or schedule from a command line

You can run a test or schedule without opening Rational® Performance Tester by using the command-line interface (CLI).

About this task

The command-line syntax with the supported parameters is as follows:

cmdline -workspace <workspace_full_path> -project <proj_name or proj_relative_path> -eclipsehome <eclipse_full_path> -plugins <plugin_full_path> -schedule <sched_name or sched_rel_path> -suite <suite_name or suite_relative_path> -importzip <full_path_to_zip_file> -varfile <variable_file_full_path> -configfile <file_full_path> -results <result_file> -overwrite <"true" | "false"> -quiet -users <number_of_users> -vmargs <JVM_args> -rate <RateRunnerGroupName=iterationNumber1/duration, iterationNumber2/duration> -duration <Stage1=durationOfStage; Stage2=durationOfStage> -execsummaryreport <id_of_report> -stdout -publish <serverURL><projectName>&<name_of_the _teamspace> -publish_for <ALL,PASS,FAIL,ERROR, INCONCLUSIVE> -labels <labelname1, labelname2> -exportlog <log_full_path> -exportstats <local_dir_path> -exportstatshtml <local_dir_path> -exportstatsformat <name of the file format> -compare <"result_path1, result_path2"> -exportstatreportlist <stats_list> -usercomments <"any user comment"> -publishreports <"STATS, TESTLOG"> -swapdatsets <existing_dataset_file_path:new_dataset_file-path> -timerange <"all, 5 Users, 10 Users"> -history <jaeger,testlog,null> -overridermlabels <"rmlabelname1,rmlabelname2"> -ignoreunhealthytranscations <"true" | "false"> -execsummary <path_to_local_dir>


  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. Run the following command to change the directory to the cmdline directory:
    cd <cmdline_directory_path>
    For example,
    cd C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\cmdline

    Based on the operating system that you used to install Rational® Performance Tester, you can locate the cmdline directory as follows:

    Operating system The default path to the directory
    Windows® C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\cmdline
    Linux /opt/IBM/SDP/cmdline
    Mac /Application/IBM/SDP/cmdline
  3. Run the following command to run the test:
    cmdline -workspace workspace_full_path -project proj_rel_path -suite suite_name or suite_rel_path
    For example,
    cmdline -workspace "C:/Users/IBM/rationalsdp/workspace" -project "/myproj/proj123" -suite "test1.testsuite"
    cmdline -workspace "C:/Users/IBM/rationalsdp/workspace" -project "/myproj/proj123" -suite "Tests/test1.testsuite"
    Note: You can add an additional parameter to the preceding command according to your testing requirements and then run the test.
    The test run starts and the status is displayed on CLI.


You have run the test from CLI.

What to do next

You can analyze the test results from Rational® Performance Tester. See Evaluating results in web analytic reports.

If you have published test results to Rational® Test Automation Server, then refer to the Rational® Test Automation Server documentation.