Starting and stopping the Engineering Test Management adapter from the command line

You can use the command-line interface to start, stop, and view activities of the Engineering Test Management adapter that you configured in .

Before you begin

You must have performed the following tasks:

About this task

When you run test assets from the command-line interface, the adapter activities are printed to the adapter.log file that can be accessed from product_install_dir\RPT-RST_RQMAdapter\logs.

To print the current status of the adapter, you must navigate to the product_install_dir\RPT-RST_RQMAdapter\bin directory, and then you can run the RQMAdapter.bat STATUS command.

Where, product_install_dir is the installation directory of .

Warning: You must not use while the adapter is running. You must stop the adapter before you open for any reason.


  1. Open a command-line interface.
  2. Navigate to the product_install_dir\RPT-RST_RQMAdapter\bin\ directory.
  3. Perform the following step either to start or stop the adapter:
    • Run the following command to start the adapter from the command line:

      Operating system Command to be run
      Windows RQMAdapter.bat START
      Linux START
    • Run the following command to stop the adapter from the command line:

      Operating system Command to be run
      Windows RQMAdapter.bat STOP
      Linux STOP


You have started or stopped the Engineering Test Management adapter from the command-line interface.