Extracting a string or token from its input argument

The ParseResponse class extracts a string from its input argument. The ExtractToken class extracts a particular token (string) from its input argument. Both classes can be useful for handling certain types of dynamic data correlation.

The ParseResponse class extracts a string from its input argument, using a regular expression for pattern matching.
package customcode; 

import com.ibm.rational.test.lt.kernel.services.ITestExecutionServices; 

import java.util.regex.*; 

 * The ParseResponse class demonstrates using Custom Code to extract a 
 * string from its input argument using a regular expression for pattern 
 * matching. 
 * In this sample, the args[0] input string is assumed to be the full 
response  from a previous request.  This response contains the day's 
headlines in a format such as: 
 *   <a class=f href=r/d2>In the News</a><small class=m>&nbsp;<span id=nw> 
 *   </span></small></h2> 
 *   <div class=ct> 
 *   &#149;&nbsp;<a href=s/213231>Cooler weather moving into eastern 
U.S.</a>  *   <br>&#149;&nbsp;<a href=s/262502>Digital camera shipments 
up</a><br>  * 
 * Given the above response, the extracted string would be: 
 *        Cooler weather moving into eastern U.S. 

 * @author IBM Custom Code Samples 

public class ParseResponse implements 
        com.ibm.rational.test.lt.kernel.custom.ICustomCode2 { 

     * Instances of this will be created using the no-arg constructor. 
    public ParseResponse() {} 

    public String exec(ITestExecutionServices tes, String[] args) { 
        String HeadlineStr = "No Headline Available"; 
        String RegExpStr = ".*In the News[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;<a 
href=([^>]*)>([^<]*)<";         Pattern pattern = 
Pattern.compile(RegExpStr, Pattern.DOTALL);         Matcher matcher = 
        if (matcher.lookingAt()) 
            HeadlineStr = matcher.group(2); 
            tes.getTestLogManager().reportMessage("Input does not match 
        return HeadlineStr; 
The ExtractToken class extracts a particular string from its input argument.
package customcode;

import com.ibm.rational.test.lt.kernel.services.ITestExecutionServices;

 * The ExtractToken class demonstrates using Custom Code to extract a particular
 * token (string) from its input argument.  This can be useful for handling
 * certain types of dynamic data correlation.
 * In this sample, the args[0] input string is assumed to be comma-delimited
 * and the token of interest is the next-to-last token.  For example, if
 * args[0] is:
 *    javascript:parent.selectItem('1010','[Negative]1010','1010','','IBM',
 *         '30181','Rational','1','null','1','1','6fd8e261','RPT')
 * the class will return the string 6fd8e261.

 * @author IBM Custom Code Samples

public class ExtractToken implements
        com.ibm.rational.test.lt.kernel.custom.ICustomCode2 {

    public ExtractToken() {

    public String exec(ITestExecutionServices tes, String[] args) {
        String ArgStr;
        String NextToLastStr;
        String[] Tokens = args[0].split(",");
        if (Tokens.length > 2) {
            ArgStr = Tokens[Tokens.length - 2];        // Extract next-to-last token

            // Remove enclosing '' 
            NextToLastStr = ArgStr.substring(1, ArgStr.length() - 1);
        } else {
            tes.getTestLogManager().reportMessage("Could not extract value");
            NextToLastStr = null;
        return NextToLastStr;