Locking an environment by using the command line

You can lock an environment by using the Rational® Integration Tester command line. This option is useful in situations where Ant is not available.

The syntax to use is as follows::
IntegrationTesterCmd Options lock-environment
Here is an example syntax:
IntegrationTesterCmd --serverUrl "https://<Host name or IP address>:5443/RTCP/" 
--domain <Domain name> --environment <Environment name> 
--username <User name> --duration <Number of minutes> 
--reason <Reason> lock-environment

The following table lists the options that you can use with the IntegrationTesterCmd command for locking an environment.

Table 1. List of available options
Options Description
--serverUrl/-u URL of Rational® Test Control Panel.
--domain/-d Domain name
--environment/-e Environment name.
--username/-l The user name under which to perform the operation (optional).
--reason/-r The reason for locking the environment (optional).
--duration The number of minutes that you expect to keep the environment locked (optional).
--force/-f Attempt to first unlock the environment if another user has the lock (flag).
--securityToken The value of the security token to use for authentication with Rational® Test Control Panel when domain security is enabled (optional). For more information, see Domain level security.

Error codes

For details of any error codes, see Exit codes for Command-line client and Ant client.