Release Notes
This document contains information about What's new, installation, known issues, and contact information of IBM Support.
What's new
You can find information about the features introduced in this release of Rational® Performance Test Server and Rational Integration Tester.
Installing and upgrading
You can find information about the installation and upgrade instructions for Rational® Performance Test Server and Rational Test Control Panel.
Known issues
You can find information about the known issues identified in this release of Rational® Performance Test Server.
System Requirements
This document includes information about hardware and software requirements for IBM® Rational® Test Virtualization Server.
Getting Started
This guide provides an overview and describes the tasks to get you started with IBM® Rational® Performance Test Server.
Rational® Performance Test Server overview
The IBM® Rational® Performance Test Server has many features and a complex architecture.
Typical deployment
The following diagram illustrates a typical deployment, showing the various IBM® Rational® Performance Test Server components and their locations.
Administrator Guide
Typically, a user with the administrator role is responsible for certain tasks including installation, configuration, and integration of the product. This guide lists all such topics.
You can find information about installing IBM® Rational® Integration Tester Agent from the IBM Rational Performance Test Server package.
Installation of Rational® Test Control Panel
You can find information about installing IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel from the IBM Rational Test Workbench, IBM Rational Test Virtualization Server, or IBM Rational Performance Test Server package.
Licenses for Rational® Performance Test Server
You can find information about the licenses that you can purchase to use Rational® Performance Test Server.
Upgrading Rational® Integration Tester Agent
In general, you can upgrade from earlier versions of Rational® Integration Tester Agent to the most recent version without having to uninstall the software. Use the Installation Manager Update option to upgrade the software.
Running agents
The Rational® Integration Tester Agent is normally configured to run continuously, listening for HTTP connections from the Performance Test Controller.
Tester Guide
This guide describes the tasks that you can perform for testing various domains, technologies, and applications. To enable testing, you must configure and enable the environment for testing.
Technical Tester Guide
Typically, a user with the Integration Tester role is also responsible for performance testing. This guide lists all such topics.
Integration Tester Reference
This guide provides the topics to help the Integration tester use the product by using the user interface, commands or scripts. This guide is intended for Integration testers.
Security Considerations
You can take certain actions to ensure that your installation is secure, customize your security settings, and set up user access controls.
Security considerations for Rational® Test Control Panel
You must ensure that your installation is secure, customize your security settings, and set up user access controls. Also, you must know about any security limitations that you might encounter with this server application.
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