Testing with CICS®

Rational® Integration Tester supports the recording and virtualization of CICS® programs that are run on z/OS® and are called by CICS® Distributed Program Link (DPL). The CICS® transport supports interacting with such calls in CICS® Transaction Server (EXEC CICS® LINK calls and ECIRequest calls using IPIC) and CICS® Transaction Gateway (ECIRequest calls). CICS® programs can be called in a test via a CICS® Transaction Gateway.

The following conditions apply when you want to test and virtualize CICS® programs:
  • Recording of channel-based calls requires Rational® Integration Tester and Rational® Test Control Panel V9.1.1 or later, and CICS Transaction Gateway V9.1 or later.
  • Testing with the CICS® transport requires the CICS® Transaction Gateway to send requests or receive replies from a CICS® program.
  • Testing web-enabled CICS® programs or web services requires the HTTP transport and do not require a gateway.