Software AG CentraSite requirements

To use Rational® Integration Tester with CentraSite, specific product libraries are required.

System requirements

Rational® Integration Tester integrates with CentraSite versions 8.2, 9.0, 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7.

Rational® Integration Tester and Software AG (specifically for using CentraSite Control) have the same system requirements.

CentraSite libraries

To enable Rational® Integration Tester to work with Software AG CentraSite, use the Rational® Integration Tester Library Manager to specify the locations of the CentraSite libraries.

Different versions of libraries are required depending on the version of Software AG CentraSite that is used. The Library Manager lists the required libraries that are required for each version of CentraSite and also the default location that Rational® Integration Tester looks out for. The default location for the specified libraries can be modified in the Library Manager.

Software AG CentraSite action templates

IBM® supplies three action templates for CentraSite Policies.

The files are provided with Rational® Test Control Panel. For information, see Rational Integration Tester tool packages.

These .zip files have to be defined in CentraSite and then added to a Policy. The Policy is associated with Services when the Pre-State Change event occurs. Which is how CentraSite knows when to enforce the policy.

The supplied action templates are described:
Test Run Age Validator This action template checks if the certification suite in Rational® Integration Tester that is linked to the Service was executed in the last n days. If not, the lifecycle state change is denied.
Test Successful Validator This action checks if the certification suite in Rational® Integration Tester that is linked to the Service passed or not. If the suite did not pass the last time that it ran, then the lifecycle state change is denied.
Test Up To Date Validator This action checks if the certification suite in Rational® Integration Tester that is linked to the Service that ran since the last time the service was modified. Any change to the service counts as a modification and changes the service modification date. So, if this action template is in the policy file, the last thing to be done before changing the lifecycle state is to execute the test. Whether it passed or failed is irrelevant to this action template. If the Service was modified since the test was last run, the lifecycle change is denied.

The defined policies are enforced when a user tries to change the lifecycle state of a web service in CentraSite. The life cycles are user-defined, so an Rational® Integration Tester policy needs to be created. The intent is that when the Service is published for public consumption, the Rational® Integration Tester policy is enforced.