Configuring Microsoft Edge for recording on a secure website

You can configure the Microsoft Edge browser and import the certificate recorder so that you can prevent the security warnings that the Microsoft Edge browser displays when you record on a secure website.

Before you begin

You must have installed the Microsoft Edge browser.

About this task

IBM® Rational® Performance Tester uses a proxy recording program that intercepts all traffic between the browser and the web server. You must select the Register the recorder root certificate authority option, to import the recorder certificate on your computer as a trusted authority. During the recording on a secure website with a web address that starts with https://, you can view a default security warning before every action.

You must confirm your acceptance of a security risk to continue. You must repeatedly click Yes to continue if this warning is displayed with the browser action.


  1. Open IBM® Rational® Performance Tester.
  2. Create a test by performing any of the following actions:
    1. Click File > New > Test From Recording.
    2. Click the New Test From Recording icon New Test From Recording toolbar button on the toolbar.
    The New Test From Recording dialog is displayed.
  3. Select HTTP Test, and then click Next.
  4. Select a Project and provide a name for the test.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select Microsoft Edge for recording.
  7. Click Next.
    The Microsoft Edge Recorder Settings page is displayed.
  8. Select Register the recorder root certificate authority to import the recorder certificate.
    The recorder certificate is imported on your computer.


You have configured the Microsoft Edge browser for recording and imported the recorder certificate .