Finding data correlation errors

You can use the Potential Correlation Errors view to find missing or incorrect data correlations.

Before you begin

Run a test or a single-user schedule. The Potential Correlation Errors view does not support multiple-user schedules. If verification points fail while you are running a test, you are prompted to open the Potential Correlation Errors view when the test run is complete.


To find data correlation errors:
  1. In the Test Navigator, select the result of the test run where you want to find correlation errors.
  2. Right-click the result, and then select Find Data Correlation Errors. You can choose Missing Correlation, Incorrect Correlation, or All.
  3. The Potential Correlation Errors view opens.
    After the test log is processed, the view is populated. Depending on the size of the test log, it can take significant time to populate the view. The potential missing or incorrect data correlations are displayed, in descending order of the likelihood that the correlation is incorrect. Selecting an item in the Potential Correlation Errors view automatically selects the corresponding element in the test editor, so that you can fix the potential error.
  4. Use the Compare with Test Log toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the view to compare the request or response in the test with the same object in the test log.
  5. For missing correlations, use the Suggest Fix toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the view to search for other instances of the value in all responses in the test. If a matching value occurs in an earlier response in the test, create a reference in that response.