Load profiles

The load profile defines the way in which the tests run (that is, the rate of speed at which new test iterations are started).

You can use this type of load profile to test a gradual increase of load on a machine, instead of immediately starting with a large load. For example, you could have a performance test with multiple iterations, and start the first iteration at 1 transaction per second. You could increase the speed of each iteration of the test by 1 transaction per second, so that the second test iteration would run at 2 transactions per second, the third iteration at 3 transactions per second, and so on.

The following table describes the two available load profile options.

Load Profile Option Description
Constant Growth This profile starts tests at a given rate of speed, and increases the rate by a fixed amount for each new test phase. The rates are defined within the details of the individual tests. The parameters available for constant growth are the Number of test phases (minimum of 1) and the Phase duration, or the number of seconds each test phase should last.
Externally Defined When using the Externally Defined profile, the load is extracted from a test data set that has been previously configured within the project. This enables greater flexibility because the duration of each test phase can be different, as can the test rate.
Note: Remote test data can be pulled from the controller to the agent, but only for test data stored within the project, and only for file and Microsoft Excel data sources.