Task flow: Working with Apache Maven

The tasks outlined in the work flow help you to get started with working with Apache Maven to run tests using IBM® Rational® Integration Tester as part of your Maven integration project.

Table 1. Task flow for working with Apache Maven

The following table provides a list of the tasks to be performed in a sequence along with the link to the corresponding topic for the details of the task.

Task More information
1. Complete the software installation Installing software
2. Set up the environment variables Setting up environment variables
3. Set up the project that you want to test in Rational® Integration Tester Setting up integration test resources
5 Add Rational® Test Control Panel certificate into the JDK trust store Adding Rational Test Control Panel certificate to JDK trust store
4 Modify the existing POM files Modifying the POM files
6 Run Maven commands Running Maven commands
7 View generated Maven build files Viewing Maven build results