Deleting historical test results data by using the command line

You can delete historical test suite results or the stub results and specify the results that you want to retain by using the Rational® Integration Tester command line.

Deleting test suite results

The command delete-all-results-keeping as the default action deletes all historical test suite results and retains the results for the duration that is specified. The historical stub results are not deleted as the default action.

The syntax to delete all test suite results and retain the results for a specific duration is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd <Options> delete-all-results-keeping <arguments>

Where duration is the arguments that you can use, which is the period either in days (D) or months (M) that you want to keep the results.

The syntax to delete all test suite results of a project is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --project <project_name> delete-all-results-keeping <duration>

The syntax to delete all test suite results in a results database that is secured by a user name and password and to retain the results of a specific duration is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --databaseURL <results_database_URL> --dbuser <user_name> --password <password> delete-all-results-keeping <duration>

For example, to delete all test suite results in a results database with the URL as jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/resultdb, user name as jkelly, password as hayling and you want to keep results of the past one month, the command is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --databaseURL jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/resultdb --dbuser jkelly --password hayling delete-all-results-keeping P1M

Note: When you run this command, you can view the number of records being deleted and the progress of the deletion in a progress bar.
Important: After you delete all test suite results and project data in the results database, you must restart any Rational® Integration Tester workbench instances or Rational® Integration Tester Agent instances that were using the results database. 

Deleting stub results

You must use the option --stubResults or -z to delete the historical stub results. The syntax to delete all stub results of a project is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --project <project_name> --stubResults delete-all-results-keeping <duration>

For example, to delete all stub results of a project that are more than one month old or you want to keep results of the past one month, the command is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --project <project_name> --stubResults delete-all-results-keeping P1M

The syntax to delete all stub results in a results database that is secured by a user name and password and to retain the results of a specific duration is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --databaseURL <results_database_URL> --dbuser <user_name> --password <password> --stubResults delete-all-results-keeping <duration>

For example, to delete all stub results in a results database with the URL as jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/resultdb, user name as jkelly, password as hayling and you want to keep results of the past one month, the command is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd --databaseURL jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/resultdb --dbuser jkelly --password hayling --stubResults delete-all-results-keeping P1M

Important: After you delete all test suite results and project data in the results database, you must restart any Rational® Integration Tester workbench instances or Rational® Integration Tester Agent instances that were using the results database. 

Command options and arguments

The following table lists the options that you can use with the IntegrationTesterCmd command for deleting historical test suite results or stub results that are older than a specified period.

Table 1. List of available options
Options Description
--project/-p Path to project file (optional). Used to limit the deletion to test suite results to a specific project. If not specified then databaseUrl, dbuser, and password are the required options.
--databaseURL/-b Results database URL (optional). For more information on the specification of database URLs when using IP literal addresses, see IP literal address.
--dbuser/-g Results database user name (optional)
--password/-h Results database password (optional)
--ignorePolicy/-y If present, the archive policy is ignored (flag).
--stubResults/-z If present, only the historical stub results are deleted and the test suite results are not deleted (flag).

When this option is used all historical stub results are deleted and the results retained for the duration specified.

When this option is not used in the command, only the test suite results are deleted and the stub results are not deleted.

Table 2. List of available arguments
Arguments Description
duration A representation of a time period of the form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, using the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) timeDuration specification. For example, to delete all results older than 6 months use P6M
Note: Results that are associated with a test cycle are deleted only if the test cycle is closed.