Accessing and using Ant tasks

You can use the Apache Ant tasks package provided with Rational® Test Control Panel that contains the Ant tasks with which you can control the environment, scenario, and stubs in Rational® Test Control Panel.

Note: Starting in 9.1.1, the Ant tasks package was renamed to from
You must perform the following tasks before you can use the Ant tasks:
  1. Download and extract the Apache Ant task package,, from Rational® Test Control Panel.

    For more information, see Rational Integration Tester tool packages.

    The environment, scenario, and stub Ant tasks are located in the com.ghc.ghTester.ant<Version Number>.jar file that is available in the downloaded AntClient package.

  2. You can use the XML files that are provided as samples in the package to perform the following tasks:
  3. Open the XML file for the task that you want to perform and follow the instructions detailed in the example XML file.
    You can use the XML file for the tasks indicated in the following table:
    For the task to... Use...
    • Create an environment.
    • Delete an existing environment.
    • Update values of the attributes of an environment.
    • Lock an environment.
    • Unlock an environment.
    Publish a stub. publish-stubs.xml
    • Start a stub.
    • Stop a stub.
    • Start a scenario.
    • Stop a scenario.
    Update the values of the attributes of a managed stub. update-managed-stub.xml

You can also run the Ant scripts that you can generate from Rational® Integration Tester as an Ant task. See Generating ANT scripts to run tests or suites.