Rational® Integration Tester capabilities

Rational® Integration Tester provides a wide range of features and functionality that give users the ability to test their integration and SOA projects successfully.

Synchronize with external resources

Few integration or SOA testing projects are simple. Most rely on complex systems and resources that are external to Rational® Integration Tester (for example, WSDLs, SAP applications, TIBCO BusinessWorks projects). To enable reliable and accurate interactions with these external resources, Rational® Integration Tester provides a powerful synchronization feature. Synchronization references an external resource and creates all of the local artifacts that you need to begin testing that resource immediately. Synchronization can also help to enforce standards across a project, encourage better change control, and ensure that proper environment bindings are used.

For more information about synchronization in Rational® Integration Tester, see Synchronization view located within Architecture School

Share projects

Most testing projects require the interaction of multiple users who might be working in the same location. To ensure that all users can access up-to-date resources in their current project, Rational® Integration Tester projects can be shared by using Git. Git integrated with Rational® Integration Tester is a reliable way to share projects among multiple users without having to manually provide version control and rollback capabilities. For more information about Git in Rational® Integration Tester, refer to Rational Integration Tester and Git.


Rational® Integration Tester can record events in the system under test, and recorded messages can be used to create tests and stubs more quickly and accurately. Recording is supported by HTTP, EMS, RV, and webMethods IS transports.

For more information about recording, see Recording Studio.