Testing with Micro Focus Application Life Cycle Management

To obtain test result details, you can integrate and run Functional Test scripts in Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management by using a ready-made template available in the Rational® Functional Tester installation directory.

About this task

The Functional Test template is available in the Rational® Functional Tester installation directory. You must copy the contents of the template to a new VAPI-XP VBScript test script in Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management, add your test script details into the VAPI-XP VBScript test script, and run the test script.


  1. Navigate to the directory IBM\SDP\alm in the Rational® Functional Tester installation directory.

    You can use FT_ALM_Windows.txt file for Functional Test scripts.

  2. Copy the contents of the template.
  3. From Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management, create a VAPI-XP Vbscript test script.
  4. Paste the template content to the VAPI-XP Vbscript test script.
  5. Enter the test details in the VAPI-XP Vbscript test script by referring to the following table:
    Field Description
    Name Required. The name of the Rational® Functional Tester test.
    Project Directory Required. The fully qualified path to the Rational® Functional Tester project directory. You must use '\\' or '/' as the file separator.
    Script Name Required. The name of the script to be run.
    Log Format Optional. The format of the script run logs. The options are Default, XML, HTML, text, and TPTP.
    Iteration Count Optional. The number of dataset iterations to be run.
    User Arguments Optional. Additional playback arguments, if any. If there are multiple arguments, you must use a comma to separate them.
  6. Run the VAPI-XP Vbscript test script.


The test result details are displayed in the Output window of Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management.