Creating a functional test project

You must create a new project or connect to an existing project before you record a new script.

About this task

To create a functional test project:


  1. Create a new functional test project in either of two ways:
    • From the product menu, click File > New > Functional Test Project.
    • From the Functional Test toolbar, click New Project.
  2. In the Name field, type the name of the new project.

    Project names cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " <> | ( ) or a space. If your project is on a UNIX® computer, do not embed spaces in the project name.

  3. In the Location field, type the data path for this project, or click Browse to select a path.
  4. (Optional) To add the new project to the current solution, select Add to solution.

  5. Click OK.

    If TestManager is installed and you are logged in to a Rational® project, Rational® Functional Tester displays the message, "Associate the project with current Rational® project."

  6. To associate the new functional test project with the Rational® project, click Yes.

    When you associate a functional test project you can take advantage of the Rational® Functional Tester integration features with TestManager.

    Rational® Functional Tester adds the new project to the solution.