Searching for GEF objects

Rational® Functional Tester recognizes the GEF EditParts and Palettes. Some Figures may not have an association with an EditPart. You can use Rational® Functional Tester APIs to find such Figures as shown in the below examples.

Example 1: The following example shows how to use getFigure() API to retrieve a Figure that has the text "label" and is not associated with EditPart
//Get the figure for an EditPart
		GuiTestObject figureTO = EntityEditPart().getFigure();		
//Find for a figure that has the text in it.
		TestObject foundTO[] = figureTO.find(atDescendant("text", "label"));
		if(foundTO != null)
			int numFound = foundTO.length;
			for(int index = 0; index < numFound ; index ++)
				if(foundTO[index] != null && foundTO[index] instanceof GuiTestObject)
					//To check for specific property on the figure
					Object figWidth = foundTO[index].getProperty("width");
					if(figWidth != null)
Example 2: The following example shows how to use getConnectors() API to perform click operation on the connector that has the label "Association"
//List the connectors from the node's parent
		TestObject parent = EntityEditPart().getParent();
		if(parent != null && parent instanceof GefEditPartTestObject)
			TestObject connectors[] = ((GefEditPartTestObject)parent).getConnectors();

			if(connectors != null)
				int numConnector = connectors.length; 
				for(int conIndex = 0; conIndex < numConnector; conIndex ++)
					if(connectors[conIndex] != null && connectors[conIndex] instanceof GefEditPartTestObject)
						GuiTestObject figConnector = ((GefEditPartTestObject)connectors[conIndex]).getFigure();
						//Find for a figure that has some text in it.
						TestObject foundConn[] = figConnector.find(atDescendant("text", "association"));
						if(foundConn != null && foundConn.length> 0)						
							//If there is only one label with the text "Association"
							if(foundConn[0] != null && foundConn[0] instanceof GuiTestObject)



Example 3: The following example populates a list with connectors that are descendants to the selected EditPart using the isConnector () API

//Assuming you have "RootEditPart" in the ObjectMap.
	ArrayList connList = new ArrayList();
  	private static void enumerateAllConnectors(TestObject editPart,ArrayList connList)
		if(editPart != null )
			if(editPart instanceof GefEditPartTestObject)
				boolean isConnector = ((GefEditPartTestObject)editPart).isConnector();
			TestObject []children = editPart.getChildren();
			if(children != null)
				int numChild = children.length;
				for(int i=0; i < numChild ; i++)
					enumerateAllConnectors(children[i], connList);